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I'm Fine: The Phrase I Could Copyright

I'm fine" doesn't mean I'm pretending—it's my way of standing strong, holding peace, and reminding myself that I can carry through, even when life feels heavy.

For those who know me, I’m fine is practically my trademark phrase. I could slap it on a t-shirt, embroider it on a pillow, or—let’s be real—file for a copyright on it. It’s my go-to response for everything, even when life is doing what life does—throwing me into the deep end without a life jacket.

But here’s the truth: sometimes, I’m fine is less about me being fine and more about keeping everything else from spinning out of control. It’s the phrase that helps me keep the world’s chaos at arm’s length.

You see, saying I’m fine is my shield. It’s not that I’m in denial, it’s that I refuse to let external distractions and pressures sink me. Because let’s face it—life is noisy. Everyone’s got something to say, some burden they’re carrying, and the last thing I want to do is add more weight to someone else’s load. So, I’m fine becomes my way of saying, “I’m dealing with it, don’t worry about me. I’ve got this, even if I don’t.”

But here's where the beauty comes in: speaking I’m fine doesn’t always mean everything is peachy. It’s more of a declaration, a proclamation that even though I’m not feeling my best, I’m choosing not to let it control me. I’m fine, because I’m still here. I’m still pushing forward. I’m still finding my way, even if that way is a little messy.

The Power in I'm Fine

There’s a strange kind of power in saying you’re fine, even when you’re not. It’s not about pretending everything is okay; it’s about guarding your peace. It’s about refusing to let the noise from the outside world penetrate your bubble. Because when you start letting every outside opinion, every comment, every unsolicited piece of advice in—it gets overwhelming. And suddenly, you’re not just dealing with your own stuff—you’re carrying everyone else’s too.

So when I say I’m fine, I’m taking ownership of my peace. I’m setting boundaries, even if they’re unspoken. I’m acknowledging that, yes, life may be a lot right now, but I’m choosing to rise above it. I’m choosing to give myself grace. I’m choosing to say I’m fine, not because everything is perfect, but because I’m working through it.

You Don’t Have to Carry It All

And here’s a little reminder to anyone who’s reading this: You don’t have to carry it all. You don’t have to pretend that everything is fine just for the sake of those around you. Yes, I use I’m fine as a way to keep things moving, but I’ve also learned the importance of letting go when it’s too much. You can speak I’m fine as a way of reassuring yourself, but don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it.

Because, let’s be real—we’re all in this together. And even though we might say I’m fine a thousand times, it’s okay to admit when we’re not. That doesn’t make you weak, it makes you human. So next time you catch yourself saying I’m fine, take a moment to check in. How are you really doing? What do you need? Maybe today is the day you put down the I’m fine shield and let someone else help carry the load.



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