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Breathe in the Scripture, Exhale the Stress: A Holy Yoga Morning

Good morning, beautiful! As the sun rose over the horizon this morning, I unrolled my mat and embraced my sacred time with others. There was nothing quite like starting the day with a deep breath and a dose of Holy yoga. Today, I want to share what I experienced during this morning’s session—breathing in the scripture and exhaling all those pesky distractions and stresses. Ready? Let’s get ready to inhale, exhale, and release!

Inhale the Scripture

Alright, take a deep breath in. Feel that? That's not just air; that's divine inspiration, my friend. For me, inhaling the scripture is like taking in a fresh breeze straight from Heaven. I imagine the words of the Lord filling me up from head to toe, like my morning coffee but even better. Every breath in is a little reminder that God’s got my back. It’s a spiritual espresso shot, giving me the energy and clarity to face the day. So, when I breathe in those holy words, I feel them refresh my soul and set a positive tone for whatever comes my way.

Exhale Distractions and Stresses

Now, let’s talk about the exhale. Ah, the sweet release. As I breathe out, I picture all those distractions and stresses leaving my body. It’s like Marie Kondo-ing my mind—if it doesn't spark joy, I let it go! I release the worries about that overflowing inbox or the laundry pile that's been giving me side-eye. With every exhale, I’m making room for peace and clarity. It’s like taking out the mental trash, making space for something beautiful. This part of the practice always leaves me feeling lighter and more focused.

Listening to the Lord

“Be still, and know that I am God.” - Psalm 46:10

Okay, now that we’ve decluttered our minds, let’s get quiet and listen. Shhh…this is where the ultimate breath happens for me. In the stillness, I create a little sanctuary in my heart where I can hear the Lord. It’s like tuning into a divine radio station—no commercials, just pure, heavenly guidance. God’s whispers guide me, comfort me, and often give me that “aha!” moment I’ve been searching for. So, I try to be still and let His words wash over me, guiding me like a GPS (God’s Positioning System, of course).

As we wrap up our quick read for today, take this sense of divine connection with you. Let the scripture continue to breathe life into your soul, and face the day with a smile (and maybe a little extra pep in your step). Remember, you’ve got this because He’s got you. Blessings to all of you—now go out there and be awesome and shine bright!



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